I am a PhD Candidate in Mathematics at the Georgia Institute of Technology, graduating in May 2026. I work in applied mathematics and data science, including generative modeling and scientific machine learning. More generally, I would like to apply mathematical frameworks (e.g. measure transport, differential geometry) to interesting problems, particularly involving high-dimensional data.

Email: bdahal6 at gatech dot edu



  1. Generalization Error Guaranteed Auto-Encoder-Based Nonlinear Model Reduction for Operator Learning. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 2024.
    Hao Liu, Biraj Dahal, Rongjie Lai, Wenjing Liao
  2. On Deep Generative Models for Approximation and Estimation of Distributions on Manifolds. NeurIPS, 2022.
    Biraj Dahal*, Alex Havrilla*, Minshuo Chen, Tuo Zhao, Wenjing Liao (* denotes equal contribution)
  3. Topic Modeling and Sentiment Analysis of Global Climate Change Tweets. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2019.
    Biraj Dahal, Sathish AP Kumar, Zhenlong Li